
The first post: Chrysocolla, the mystical stone!

An argument that has always fascinated me is mythology, that was born with the man and is present in all the cultures. Looking for new cues in the web, I ran up against this stone, whose symbolism represents mine present mood: the quest for lost spirituality in a world made of gears and Mbytes.

8 commenti:

  1. You say well: wearing Chrysocolla Jewelry is thought to improve psychic ability, aid in prophetic dreaming, attaining a trance and communicating with the spirit world.

  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysocolla

  3. Mystic Merchant invites you to join LightWork our yahoo free e-mail group for lively discussions, info about new energy tools, shamanic and aura balancing.

  4. This stone can help in ones capacity to express higher love. Its base matrix is water, and it has some earth vibe. It revitalizes and calms base, navel, and solar plexus chakras. It helps tune to earth, and provides for grounding, and communication with spiritual forces of earth. It helps dispel grief especially concerning heartache. It helps attune to the perfection of the universe. It dispels negative vibrations put out by people, and in cleansing rooms. And can help align the body, and bring about good health.

  5. Chrysocolla ou Chrysocolle ouvre, adoucit et élargit la dimension intérieure du chakra du cœur; nous aide à relâcher les tensions et notre défensive sur le thème de donner et recevoir; accroît la flexibilité au niveau du corps et de l’esprit pour permettre à la vibration d’amour de circuler.

  6. J'adore chrysocolle!!!

  7. It's true! Chrysocolla is a very beautiful stone with many beneficial energies.
    It is known as a healing stone among Native American Indian cultures where it was used for strengthening the body's resistance and bringing about calm feelings where there is upset.
    Chrysocolla is a stone of peace, increased wisdom, discretion.
    It promotes level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, cool attitude during turbulence. It can be used to decrease nervousness and irritability.

  8. Ciao a tutti. Non sapete consigliarmi qualche posto in cui vendono la Crisocolla? Grazie
